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 Arlington Heights Garden Club Bylaws 


 For use with the Club Handbook 




The name of the organization shall be “Arlington Heights Garden Club”, which shall be referred to as AHGC in this document. 



The Arlington Heights Garden Club is a community organization welcoming all levels of gardeners. We provide a forum to educate, share knowledge and experience, and encourage the love of gardening while fostering friendships. Our club promotes, protects and encourages environmental and conservation best practices. We provide community guidance for civic beautification and support students and other non-profits. 

 ARTICLE III Membership and Dues 

Section 1 Anyone who is interested in the purpose for which this club is organized may apply for membership. Membership applications are available on the club website and at all club events. 

Section 2 Membership dues are paid annually. Dues are set by the Board. Current dues shall be posted in the membership brochure, newsletter and on the website. 

Section 3 The membership year shall be from June 1st to May 31st. There are two types of membership: individual and couple living at the same address. Dues are payable at the April meeting and must be paid by May 1st. 

Section 4 Dues for new members joining after January 1st shall be half price for single and couples. 

Section 5 An Honorary Lifetime Membership, with dues waived, may be conferred, with approval of the Board, to a person who has rendered distinguished service to the club. An Honorary Lifetime Member may hold an elected position and have full member rights. 

ARTICLE IV Meetings 

Section 1 The regular meetings of the club shall be held on the fourth Monday of the month unless changed by the Board of Directors. The membership shall be notified by email/newsletter/website of any changes in scheduling by the President. 

Section 2 The Board of Directors shall conduct an open meeting once a month prior to the regular meeting. To address the Board, one must request to be placed on the President's agenda stating the nature of your business at least one week prior to the Board meeting. 

Section 3 Board and club meeting times and locations shall be published in the newsletter and on the website. 

ARTICLE V Election of Officers and Standing Committee Chairs 

Section 1 The officers shall be President, Secretary, and Treasurer. 

Section 2 There shall be the following Standing Committees: Artistic, Civics, Conservation, Garden Walk and Unique Boutique, Horticulture, Hospitality, Membership, Newsletter, Plant Sale, Program, Publicity, Scholarship, and Website. 

Section 3 a) No member shall be eligible to hold the office of the President or Vice President pro tem until he/she has served one year on the Board of Directors. Any current club member shall be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors.


b) After an election, a Vice President pro tem may be appointed by the board from the board members who are qualified to hold the position. The VP pro tem will not have a vote but shall vote as the chair position concurrently held.


c) In the event of an absence or incapacity in the office of President, the Vice President pro tem, shall fill that position for the remainder of the term. This position can be either temporary or permanent pending the decision of the individual and the Board. If no Vice President pro tem has been appointed, the board shall appoint one to serve in this position for the remainder of the term.


d) The chair position vacated by the VP pro tem shall be filled by a presidential or presidential pro tem appointment.


e) Vacancies and absences, with the exception of President, shall be filled by a presidential appointment and subject to the approval of the Board of Directors at the following Board meeting.


f) Resignations shall be submitted to the Board in writing. 

ARTICLE VI Board of Directors 

Section 1 The Board shall consist of elected officers and chairs of the standing committees. 

Section 2 The Board shall have the power to handle the affairs of the club. 

Section 3 The Board consists of sixteen (16) members. Nine (9) Board members shall constitute a quorum. A quorum is required to conduct the club's business. Each officer and committee chair shall not have more than one vote. 

Section 4 All Board members shall be elected by the club membership to serve a term of two years and not more than two consecutive terms in the same position. In the case of no new candidates being available, a special exception to fill the position may be made by the president, subject to the approval of the Board at the following Board meeting. 

Section 5 The following election schedule shall be observed. 

  •  Elected on even years: Conservation, Garden Walk and Unique Boutique, Newsletter, Plant Sale, Program, Publicity, Secretary, and Website. 


  • Elected on odd years: Artistic, Civics, Horticulture, Hospitality, Membership, President, Scholarship, and Treasurer. 


Section 6 Newly elected Board members shall be installed at the May general meeting. The June Board Meeting serves as a transition for outgoing members to pass on reports and files to incoming members. Incumbent Board members, chairs, and special committee heads shall be available to assist their replacements in the preparation to assume their Board duties for the coming year. 

Section 7 A committee chair may appoint a temporary board meeting representative, with voting privileges for his/her position, by informing the president prior to the meeting. 


ARTICLE VII Duties of Officers (Voting positions) 

Section 1 President

The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and the Board of Directors. The President shall vote only in the event of a tie. In the absence of the President, the Vice President pro tem shall fill that position. 

Section 2 Secretary

The Secretary shall keep a record of proceedings of all Board meetings and actions decided upon at general meetings. 

Section 3 Treasurer

It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to manage the finances of the club and report financial activity to the board and membership. These duties shall include preparing an annual budget of income and expenditures; ensure proper control over receipts and disbursements; and report financial activity monthly. The Treasurer shall apply appropriate accounting principles for all club business. An annual financial review shall be performed either by two qualified club members or a qualified non-member. A fiscal year of September 1st through August 31st shall be used. 

ARTICLE VIII Duties of Standing Committee Chairs (Voting positions)

All committee chairs are responsible to develop their committee memberships, activities for the year, communicate with the Board and participate in budget development. 

Section 1 Artistic

It shall be the duty of the Artistic Chair to plan and coordinate club workshops. 

Section 2 Civics

It shall be the duty of the Civics Chair to further civic beautification and related projects. Principal responsibilities include management of Historical Museum gardens. 

Section 3 Conservation

It shall be the duty of the Conservation Chair to keep the membership informed and encouraged to participate in conservation and environmental issues. Other projects may be undertaken with the approval of the Board. 

Section 4 Garden Walk/Unique Boutique

It shall be the duty of the Garden Walk Chair, working with a committee, to organize, plan, and coordinate all activities required to present a Garden Walk and/or Unique Boutique. 

Section 5 Horticulture

It shall be the duty of the Horticulture Chair to inform the club of pertinent horticultural events, address members’ gardening concerns, provide a seasonal monthly article to the Newsletter, and maintain the Gardening Calendar on the Website. Other projects may be undertaken with the approval of the Board. 

Section 6 Hospitality

It shall be the responsibility of the Hospitality Chair to attend to the social duties that arise during the year. 

Section 7 Membership

It shall be the duty of the Membership Chair to recruit, welcome and introduce new members and guests at the general meetings. The chair shall collect all dues, process applications, and provide an up-to-date membership list for the GC website. 

Section 8 Newsletter

It shall be the duty of the Newsletter Editor to compile, publish and distribute the monthly newsletter to all club members prior to general meetings, incorporating gardening articles and other materials of interest. 

Section 9 Plant Sale

It shall be the responsibility of the Plant Sale Chair, working with a committee, to plan, organize and coordinate all activities required to periodically present a plant sale. 

Section 10 Program

It shall be the duty of the Program Chair to obtain a place and a program for each general meeting September through May. The Chair will also assist with informal summer programs. 

Section 11 Publicity

It shall be the duty of the Publicity Chair to arrange for publicity in the media and keep the club’s activities and interests before the public. 

Section 12 Scholarship

It shall be the duty of the Scholarship Chair to select a Scholarship Committee to plan, coordinate, review applications, award and administer scholarships to students and members. There are two types of scholarships funded by the AHGC: Academic Scholarship to assist students with their education and Personal Development Awards to encourage gardening and horticultural training to club membership. The Wendy Landwehr Memorial Scholarship, funded by Martin Landwehr, is administered by this committee. 

Section 13 Website

It shall be the duty of the Website Chair to develop, manage and maintain the club website and the secure Members Only Information section. 

ARTICLE IX Duties of Special Committees (Non-voting)

The President shall request volunteers for these committees from the membership. These committees shall be disbanded at the end of the project. Some of these committees might not be filled from year to year. 

Section 1 Bylaws

A Bylaws Committee shall be formed every five (5) years or less, to review and develop an updated Bylaws draft for presentation to the Board for approval. After Board approval the draft shall be presented to the general membership via email and discussed and voted upon at the next general meeting. Revisions to the bylaws must be approved by two thirds (2/3) vote by the current members present. 

A Bylaws Amendment may be proposed by submitting the proposal in writing to the club president two (2) weeks prior to a Board meeting. The Board shall review and discuss the proposal and action required. 

Section 2 Nominating Committee

It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to secure one or more candidates for each position to be filled. The Nominating Committee shall consist of five (5) members composed of two (2) current Board members, and three (3) individuals from the membership-at-large. Nominations shall be posted in the newsletter and on the website. 

Section 3 Special Events

It shall be the duty of the Special Events Chair to plan and coordinate all club field trips and other outside special activities throughout the year with Board approval. 

ARTICLE X  Club Policy 

Section 1 Use of Members

Only Information The Members Only page on the club's website is a secure page accessible only to current club members. It is to provide controlled information to club members in a readily available and transparent way. The Membership List is meant to provide personal contact information for all club members. Any other use of this information is not authorized. 

Section 2 Articles and Letters to the Editor Policy

AHGC members and interested guests are invited to share their thoughts and information with the club by writing articles, announcements, and letters or email messages to the Newsletter Editor. The goal of the Newsletter and Letters to the Editor is to stimulate discussion and action on topics of interest to AHGC members. No anonymous correspondence will be published. Letters to the Editor are subject to review by the Newsletter Editor (assisted by the Board, if required) who reserves judgment on publication. Inquiries, comments, and special information coming through the club website shall be handled in the same manner by the Website chair. 

Section 3 Bylaws Policy

“Robert’s Rules of Order - Revised” shall be the parliamentary authority in all matters not specified in the bylaws of the club. 

Section 4 Club Handbook

A Club Handbook shall be maintained by the President with the input and assistance of each officer, committee and special committee chair. Each chair person shall present a written update to their Job Description to the secretary at the May Board meeting covering any new tasks and issues addressed during the year. 

Section 5 Internet Website Policy

The Internet Website Policy is the basic governing policy for posting information on the club’s website. This policy is established by the website provider and governs website content and adherence to copyright law. This policy is owned and managed by the Website Chair and Website Provider. 


Revised February 1967 

Revised February 1970 

Revised March 1974 

Revised April 1984 

Revised March 1985 

Revised April 1989 

Revised March 1996 

Revised September 1996 

Revised March 2004 

Revised May 2008 

Revised November 2013 for use with Club Handbook 

Revised March 2020 for use with Club Handbook 

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